I've had a couple of crap days, missing Sharon so much, but trying to smile. Had a strange thing happen to me a couple of days ago.
I was talking to Sharon, as I have done pretty often since she passed away, and I said to her, "come on then Babe, if you really are there watching over us, and there is something after death, prove it. I'll be ok if I know you are still there, but show me a sign, something obvious"
An hour later, her friend, who is very spiritual, turned up on my front door, saying she had a message for me, she said that Sharon is unhappy because I am unhappy, and she hates seeing me so depressed, and that she wants me to be happy. She also said that Sharon needs me to carry on being strong for her, to keep looking after her boys, and that she needs me to "sort it out".
Her friend then gave me a crystal, that she said Sharon had chosen, which was in Sharons favorite colour.
Coincidence? Maybe, but I like to think that my princess was letting me know she's still with me. It helps ease the pain a little.